Originally from Cornwall I have over 10 years experience in the arts industry adapting to a variety of arts projects such as, dance, singing, costume design, interior design, murals, graffiti and so on. Over the years I have met some extremely creative and kind hearted people in their fields of expertise. They inspired me to explore into mine and so I started experimenting myself. Singing, painting, drawing, graffiti art, gemming costumes and adding sparkle to anything I could get my hands on such as theatre props and instruments (previous instagram (@jensgemming)
Honestly… I love it.
“My heart finally told me to stop wasting time”
Like so many others I was forced to think more creatively. It’s cliche but the pandemic gave me that final push to stop being afraid. My vision was to start a business that would make people happy the way art has made me so. Offering bespoke print designs and interior/exterior artwork that’s personal! Also encouraging people to get creative themselves! Fun engaging show events will be held based on different performance art with visually quirky entertainment, music and sexy live models.
Not Coachella… CANVELLA, a celebration of the arts, music and a whole lot of sparkle!
I will still continue to sing when I can as well as now running this beautiful business which I love. A love I was never that confident about without your support, so thank you to everyone who’s helped make this happen. Let’s begin, have some fun and create something beautiful together.